Twitter was cool before today

Today marked the day that Ashton Kutcher reached 1 million followers on Twitter and Oprah sent her first tweet. What does this all mean? To me, not much. Other than I am afraid Twitter will break more often. I am happy that people are finally catching on to Twitter but Twitter has been a special place for me over the last 18 months. I sent my first tweet October 16, 2007. When I did I wasn’t sure what I was doing or what it all meant. I didn’t realize that maybe I was being a digital pioneer in education. But what it turned in to is this wonderful community of people who help me, support me, and challenge me to continue exploring how technology can impact education.

I noticed recently, (before the Ashton and Oprah bandwagon) there was a change happening in Twitter. It was subtle but it was happening. When I first joined most people used comic avatars or images that symbolized themselves instead of an actual picture of themselves. As our education Twitter community has grown a personal touch has come to Twitter as well. Now when I log in to TweetDeck I see more people than avatars. This has been really great. Of the people on my network I probably have only met 20% of them face to face. So now with this transition to real images for avatars helps me connect a little more with the people on my screen.

So to my Twitterverse, I just want to thank you for helping me become a better advocate for technology in the classroom.

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